Ensscom is a NEA approved vendor for supplying of wireless noise monitoring system to the construction industry.
A standard set-up for a wireless noise monitoring system comprises of a sound level meter, solar power set-up and a data communication system set up (modem).
The NEA approved sound level meter used is a Class1 sound level meter from Cirrus Research plc (UK), CR191SG. Ensscom is the authorised distributor for Cirrus Research.
Noise level data is recorded by the sound level meter is being send to our cloud server where it is being managed. The data from our cloud server is linked to NEA IES APMS. The noise data is presented on our Ensscom Alphalab APMS web portal where you are able to generate a 7-days noise report with analysis and visualisation.
The web portal is integrated with our Ensscom Alphalab mobile App where end users are able to received noise alert notifications and view current noise level data. With the realtime noise level being easily assessable on your mobile (instead of a desktop), it allows teams working close to a Noise Sensitive Receiver to better manage the noise level generated from their construction activities.